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Cassava, ten other crops projected to increase by 4.1M metric tonnes-MoFA

The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) says the production of 11 major crops is expected to increase by 4.1 million metric tonnes in the 2021/2022 crop season.

The 11 major crops consist of cassava, cocoyam, yam, plantain, maize, paddy rice, millet, sorghum, groundnut, cowpea and soya beans.

The production of these crops in the 2020/2021 crop season, witnessed the production of 44.8 million metric tonnes.

However, for the 2021/2022 crop season, it is estimated that the production of 11 major crops combined will increase to 48.9 million metric tonnes.

 The production of the four cereals, namely, maize, paddy rice, millet and sorghum the production of these crops is expected to record 15.73%, a rise to 5.3 million metric tonnes in this current season compared to 4.5 million metric tonnes in the 2021/2021 crop season.

On the part of the four starch staples; namely, cassava, cocoyam, yam, plantain, maize and paddy rice, it is also estimated that production will rise by 8.38% from 39.3 million metric tonnes in last year’s crop season to 42.6 million metric tonnes in the current crop season.

In relation to the three legumes (groundnut, cowpea and soya beans) there is an estimation of increased production from the 887,774 metric tonnes produced last year to 982,718 metric tonnes this crop season.

Taking cassava as one of the major crops known for its high rate of consumption in homes, and the industries such as pharmaceuticals and textiles when processed into starch, its high production rate estimated by MoFA comes as good news for cassava processors.

With respect to the production of cassava, it is projected to increase by 7.62%, representing an increase to 24.7 million metric tonnes in the 2021/2022 crop season.

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