Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Every time, kids tell their parents to get them sweets like chocolates, biscuits, toffees, cakes, etc. when they step out. The name chocolate or toffee, cakes, etc. when they step out. The name chocolate or toffee sounds sweet in their ears hence they anticipate an appetizing appearance and taste best for the eyes and stomach.

Rather unfortunate, these little ones have no idea where these items come from, talk less of the original materials from which these exciting items are derived from. They do not have the slightest idea that chocolates are made from cocoa beans which does not seem edible at first glance.

This is what happens when value is added to a raw agriculture produce.

There is so much wealth and riches in agriculture but we can never dig them out until we add value to agriculture. Value addition is the secret to wealth and riches in agriculture.

Adding value to something simply means changing it from its original state to a high-quality state which enhances the overall end product. Value addition is extra value created over and above the original value of something. Adding value to a raw agricultural produce prolongs the life span of the product, attracts more currency, penetrates into the international market and increases demand.

In present day, with the development of technology, value addition involves innovation and product modification through processing, packaging, crafting, branding and quality assurance procedures both on small and large scale using modern machines. Value addition is very vital. It increases product quality and selling price, thus increasing the profit margin. This is because a well branded product pleases the eyes and attracts more currency than when it is sold in its original state.

Agricultural systems are encouraged to promote value addition as it diversifies national economies. The worth of a nation’s agriculture does not solely lie on the quantity of raw produce but the economic benefits that can be accrued through Value Addition.

A country like Ghana for instance prides itself in the production of quality raw cocoa beans but unfortunately is not among the countries making millions from producing cocoa products. Another clear example is Liberia which is one of the largest producers of unprocessed rubber/latex. But interestingly, they are equally not among the highest producers of rubber products in Africa not to say the world.

Nigeria on the other hand is doing exceptionally well when it comes to cassava starch.

Without Value addition, post-harvest losses will be impossible to curb. This has been a major challenge in the agricultural sector for many years.

Shifting our concentration to value addition will create more jobs and expand our economy. Agriculture produce are value in themselves but become more valuable when it is processed to the last stage for consumption at the comfort of the consumers.

The world Bank has projected that by 2030, the size of the food and agri-business industry in Africa will rise to USDI trillion. This is an opportunity that can only be achieved through value addition.

People are psychologically and emotionally attracted to farm produce when it is processed, packaged, branded and placed on a supermarket shelf. At this point of the value chain of a produce, it is never a mere farm produce but an item in the market with value on it.

Thus, the buyer is prepared to pay irrespective of its price because now it looks pleasant, palatable and is found in a highly rated market structure. This is the power of value addition and many economies survive on this.

The full potential of agriculture in terms of its economic benefits is largely hidden in value addition. More jobs can be created, foreign exchange can be expanded as a result of exports and the national output of the economy can be enhanced. When farmers grow their crops and are sure that the produce can be fully utilized at an economic advantage to them, they can have the motivation to till the soil more and labor for surplus harvest knowing that it won’t go waste.

Valve addition is a way to go!

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