Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


In recent times, there has been quite a buzz over the current technology in the agriculture sector. Hitherto, there was just talks about how these innovations could change the face of agriculture in Africa. It is evident that more farmers are embracing the idea of the infusion of technology in agriculture and its significance in their agribusiness. There is also a trend of Africans in the Diaspora returning home with the technical know-how to make a fortune out of what had always been their passion- the cultivation of the earth. Although, there have been some challenges with agro-processing in Africa, some are making frantic efforts to overcome them and stand out in the world market.

The problem of funding has been at the heart of the troubles of farmers in Africa for many decades. This has certainly been a limitation for many who would want to take a step further into commercial processing and branding. However, some have found a way to beat the system and make progress however small. One of these important keys is the use of relatively inexpensive machinery. For many, the mere thought of going into commercial agro-processing is discouraging, as it seems very difficult. But with much research, one can find that there are available relatively affordable machines that can achieve the objective to a certain degree. For example, there are new juice makers that are portable and affordable. This unit might not process so many metric tonnes of fruits at a go but it is a start. This can help the farmer reduce substantially post-harvest losses, which is still prevalent among farmers. There are also jam making machines, cashew nut processing machines and grain processing machines on the market that are cheaper than a whole processing plant. These also require less energy to power and have low maintenance.

Smart farming also known as farm digitization is gaining grounds in many agribusinesses in Africa. This is a step in the right direction for farmers because of the huge in the right direction for farmers because of the huge benefits it provides. Farmers are faced with a myriad of problems: foreseen and unpredictable hurdles. Having extra help can be vital. The use of data analysis, monthly reports and mobile applications can positively affect the productivity and sustainability of the business. Using data analysis technology in the simple form of Excel can help a farmer trace a particular problem in his business that is recurring by studying the pattern the spreadsheet provides. Reports can inform the farmer on the things he might not be neglecting or factors that need readjustments. Having a good data record in the cloud can be beneficial as it is always accessible and the fear of losing data is non-existent. There are many apps now that support agriculture advancement. From helping to track farm animals, finding where to buy your desired crop variety, where to find the best deals for your farm input, etc. mobile apps have it all. There are also other mobile platforms that provide much needed services for farmers. For example, there is new invention of checking the viability of seeds using a mobile phone. The popularity of online marketing is not strange to modern agribusinesses. There are a lot of online platforms where fresh foods are sold to ready consumers. There are also groups that connect consumers to farmers over the internet at a small fee. This has helped boost the sale of fresh produce immensely. Farmers that used to struggle with the sale of fresh produce at a good market price are now more capable of doing so via such platforms.

Lastly, many agro entrepreneurs are getting more creative and buying into the art of branding. With the aid of technology and social media, branding of agribusinesses are becoming less of a rarity. This has increased competition with the imported food products on the market. This trend is laudable because consumers are attracted by what they see. Usually, consumers do not care to read the ingredients or chemical components of a product. It is generally how catchy it is to the eyes that draw an average client to something on the shelf. Although a bad habit, it is a lesson for thriving businesses that provide quality products to note. Ironically, it so happens that sometimes the products that are healthy and quality do not have good packaging and branding but those that are poor in quality invest so much into packaging. The rise in consciousness of this can be a real eye-opener for agribusinesses. There is an old adage that say, “Quality beads do not rattle.” It is a mantra for people who believe in quality and not so much of appearance. But studies show that appearance matters a lot in the market and that the bead seller might triple her sells if she arranged her goods neatly.

As agricultural technology continues to grow in Africa, the networking of farmers becomes increasingly important. When farmers are able to share their experiences of farming and technology and how it has tremendously contributed to productivity, it can start a revolution of technological advancements on the farm. Social media, online platforms for farmers such as State of the Soil and AgTech Innovation Centre as well as apps such as AgButler, AgWorld, Farm Dog and Farm QA Scouting can greatly be of help in this day and age.

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