Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


In the field of agriculture, understanding rainfall patterns and its significance on the growth of plants is very crucial to maintaining a solid agricultural system in order to promote food security. In an article published on a blog site, “A good balance of rain and proper irrigation system can lead to faster-growing plants, which can cut down on germination time and the length between seeding and harvest.” Rain is very important and renders a great benefit to crops and fields. Despite the significance of rainfall, there is an ideal and significant amount of rainfall in any given season for most crops to grow well. Furthermore, if there is relatively much lower or higher rainfall than the required amount, it can lead to some problems, causing crops to drown and leading to lower yields at the end of the season.

Rainfall: A Determinant of Soil Health

It is very important to note that rainfall plays a vital role in building and maintaining the health of the soil. With or without the existence of rainfall, the soil adapts to the environmental condition present and changes as the environment treats it. If the soil is too wet or dry, nutrients in the soil can run off. With this run off, leaching occurs; thereby, leading to the poor growth of the soil. As a farmer or a crop expert, knowing and identifying when to water by understanding the rainfall patterns and the necessary amount needed for plant growth after rainfall, the soil is kept at the right moisture level. When this is championed by the farmer, the crops and the plants will generate the highest crop yield possible. Rain gauge can be used on the farm to determine the amount of rainfall in the soil, so as to better track and predict weather conditions and rainfall, thus leading to better and sustainable crop health and growth. Also, a farmer needs to know when to water the farmland. Lack of rainfall or under-watering starves the plant which can also lead to crop death or low yield.

Rainfall can determine how fast a plant will grow after germinating from seed till when it is ready for harvesting. A proper and balanced rainfall or irrigation system in the absence of rain leads to faster-growing plants. On the average, a good watering system can affect the length between germination and harvest.

Effects of High rainfall

In cases where there is much rainfall than expected, the crops become too wet and they begin to attract fungus and thus absorbed by the crop or plant. According to science facts, the soil also starts to collect bacteria, fungus and mold. In this way, there is a higher probability of the crop growing in bad health and sometimes dying off without yielding fruits or food. Due to the presence of molds and fungus, diseases spread amongst the crops and this interferes with the growth of crops.


In agriculture, understanding rainfall patterns and the amount of rainfall needed for plant growth is very important in determining the growth of plants on the farm. Based on this premise, experts should take time to educate farmers and key players in the agricultural sector on the impacts of rainfall, either positive or negative.

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