Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

Agribusiness: A worthwhile venture for a fulfilled life after retirement

Baffling with various thoughts of life with a central focus on life after retirement, a popular quote which says “Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to,” brought to light initiating something now which will serve as a life-long investment plan to make life more meaningful.

As the events of life unfold, the preparation for life after retirement becomes a headache for a lot of people, especially people who have children and dependents to cater for. Within a short time after retirement, the inadequate preparedness by retirees translates to a zero account balance thus making life difficult. Yes, it’s quite difficult to invest before retirement, but it’s one of the most effective ways you can free yourself from the bondage of poverty.  

Let’s explore agribusiness together, a venture worthwhile to help one secure a better life after retirement. Agriculture, in itself, lies on various chains, commonly known as the agricultural value chain. From the availability of arable farmland, farmers, investors to the final product, various people and things come together to make a successful agricultural system. Due to these systems that make up the value chain, opportunities have been given to investors and farmers to leverage on the business opportunities offered.

Currently, the existing and lucrative agribusiness to look at is agro-processing. Agro-processing is well known for its power in commanding higher prices when crops are processed into different and valuable products.  Establishing a factory of your own mainly for processing crops is a good step to changing the narrative of poverty or boredom after retirement. With your investments into agriculture, there is a sustained source of income to depend on.

Also, the employment opportunities contributed by one’s intervention in investing in agriculture give one a fulfilled life after retirement. With no doubt, investing in agro-processing which translates into employment opportunities gives a person a sense of satisfaction. This is because we all want to impact lives and leave a legacy for our descendants.

Not only do you benefit from the lucrative nature of agro-processing, but it adds value to the economy of the nation. Mostly, processed goods are exported on the international market thus there are more foreign earnings generated as revenue for the country.  

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