Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


How easy is it for you to chance on a single product that can care for your skin and hair simultaneously? The secret ingredient encompassing these three areas is simply cassava. You may want to know the six inconceivable benefits.

Smoothens and Brightens Your Complexion

Cassava plant peal can be used as a skin exfoliator. Fresh pastes used as scrubs are made from the peals. Simply by brushing the face well for a few minutes and washing it off with cold water, the positive outcome should be met. Do this thrice a week to get good results.

Great Face Mask                                                 

Cassava acts as a great face mask. The face mask should always be prepared after you you’re your face with warm water. This will help in opening up the pores. The cassava mask will easily get absorbed and improve the texture and condition of your skin. Wait for the total dryness of your face once you have washed it. There will be the need to rinse your face with cold water to ensure the closure of pores. Use your fingers to dry them. Three times performance of this activity will ward off and get rid of scars and set forth a healthy radiance in return.

Hydrates the Skin

Your skin tone can be moistened to be smooth and soft using cassava. You will have to prepare a mask for this one.  You can combine it with a fruit too. Preferably, you can choose to add a few drops of lemon could be added as well.

Removes Scars and Spots

For easy and fast healing of wounds and scars, cassava starch water is the ultimate solution. Just gently apply the cassava starch water all over the affected area twice a day.


Beyond the skin benefits, cassava can also be beneficial with regard to the hair. To be exposed to the changes in the quality of your hair, the usage of cassava roots and leaves is highly recommended.

There is always that exhaustion that comes with the slow growth of the hair.  To remedy this tiredness, cassava is ultimately advocated! On oiled hair, the roots and leaves can be applied an hour before rinsing. Two times execution of this task will catalyze and bring eventually bring about change.

Controls Hair Fall

How can cassava be a quick and simple effective solution to hair falls? This is simply because it has some ingredients that help nourish the hair from the roots to the tips, hydrate it and control hair fall.

Provides Nourishment

Cassava plants are a powerhouse of nourishment. If you have hair that is dry or damaged, consider the cassava plant to help repair all damages.

The usage of cassava may be generally realized in cosmetology through industrial processing, yet the simple household usage for improving hair and skin appearance cannot be overlooked.

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