Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Globally, agriculture has been tagged as a poor man’s job and one that is not lucrative due to the neglect and lack of attention given to the sector by agencies and authorities responsible for spurring growth in the sector. However, agriculture is a venture that embodies numerous opportunities that when grabbed can generate millions of dollars for investors, farmers, and the continent at large.

What can be attributed to the neglect of the agricultural industry? Reading an article and listening to some youth on issues related to agriculture, the idea that was communicated by some concerned youth was that “Agriculture hasn’t been made sexy” thus most youths do not pay so much attention to the sector and venture into other fields.

The lucrativeness of the agricultural sector is highly dependent on the transformative policies which are initiated by the governments of respective nations. Some nations like China and the United States of America are making significant progress in the agricultural sector due to how attractive they make the sector look. Farmers get good returns from crops; there is the availability of favourable working conditions, and the indigenes of the country purchase their locally manufactured goods.

In Africa, most of our policies are less centered on agriculture, creating room for a less budget for investing and developing the sector. With a low budget allocated to the agriculture sector, the full potential is not realized from the sector thus it hinders graduates from and investors to venture into the sector.

The agricultural sector needs to be digitalized to realize its full potential. Currently, the youth are engrossed in digital technology. Having an active agricultural sector with the inculcation of digital technology is very instrumental in roping in more eligible graduates and youth to venture into farming and agribusiness. In this age, authorities and agencies responsible for developing the agriculture sector must attract investors and organizations that are good at giving technological services in the agricultural sector. The use of drones, smartphones, and other technological equipment is now used in developing countries.

Training sessions and mentorship programs must be intensified by the Department of Agriculture in every nation. Having training sessions give the youth practical know-how on industry-related issues.

Also, to make agriculture lucrative, agriculture must be industrialized. In the industrialization agenda, the use of technology that contributes to the addition of value to crops will help bring in more people. It is however imperative that agriculture is strengthened to make the youth get attracted to the agricultural sector.

In conclusion, agriculture ought to be strengthened to rope in more eligible youth and graduates to help grow and develop the agriculture sector.

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