Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The Oxford Dictionary simply defines agriculture as the science or practise of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products. Farming is only a subset of agriculture whilst agriculture is characterized by food. If this sector is considered a poor man’s job, have you ever perceived life without agriculture. Have you ever looked at life without the spectacle of agriculture.? Interestingly enough, we appreciate the saying, “if the last try dies, the last man dies” without because all these make up the agricultural sector. It is henceforth appropriate to deductively say, “In the absence of agriculture, there is no life.”

True, we don’t give our farmers enough credit or compensate them enough for their labour. This is terrible because we wouldn’t have the contemporary conveniences we have today if it weren’t for agriculture. Cities would not have been able to survive without agriculture. The simplest explanation for this is that we would still be hunter-gatherers today if our forefathers hadn’t found how to plough the crops. While this may be an exaggeration, it’s not false. Anthropologists and archaeologists are still discovering connections between the spread of agriculture and the birth of civilisation. Human habitation and trade were made feasible by farming.

Agriculture is, without a doubt, a huge business, as well as the cornerstone of the economy and human civilisation. Food is not produced at supermarkets and retail stores, and clothes are made from agricultural by-products such as cotton and wool. But where do we obtain detergents, cosmetics, soap, paper, and ethanol, for example? All of these items are agricultural by-products in some way. Furthermore, agriculture is the source of many contemporary medications. Agriculture would not exist in the world we live in today.

Farmers, on the other hand, did (and continue to do) more than merely raise the food that ended up on everyone’s table. Agriculture also provided the raw ingredients for basics like fabric (made from cotton plants and silkworms), candles and soap (made previously from animal fat), and fuel (from ethanol). Cosmetics owe their existence to agriculture as well. Every time someone came up with a new way to make operations less labour-intensive, the process became even easier.

The greater the number of fields available to maintain a city, the more likely it is to thrive. Agriculture boosted trade by creating a surplus that could be exchanged for goods from other sectors.

Agriculture-free worlds would be considerably different from the ones we live in now. When we don’t understand how things are developed or created, it’s simple for us to take them for granted. We may be unable to obtain food and clothes without agriculture. We may not be able to make houses or furnishings without wood. We may also be without other commonplace items like soap, paper, and ethanol, which are all derived from agricultural by-products. Agriculture is also important in modern medicine. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for agriculture. We must constantly be grateful for this industry and all who participate in its many operations.

The world we live in relies on agriculture, the industries that define our lives all depend on agriculture as a foundational factor and without agriculture, everything is lost. The more importance we place on agriculture the more value we get from it. It is therefore incumbent on the human race to accept the fact that it is impossible to imagine a world without agriculture. Agriculture satisfies the basic need for food for millions of people and live stocks. It provides raw materials for agro-based industries and the export of agricultural produces helps in the development of the country’s economy.

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