Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Four Ghanaian agricultural technology (agritech) start-ups have called on the support of investors to scale up their technologies and create more employment opportunities in the agriculture value chain.

This call was made when the four firms, namely; Sayetech Company Limited, Sustainable Energy Technologies Limited, AiScarecrow Technology and Sesi Technologies participated in the Israel-Ghana AgritechAccel project which was geared toward harnessing Israeli technology and product development expertise to benefit the start-ups.

The Chief Technology Officer of Sayetech Company Limited, Mr. Theodore Ohene Botchway mentioned that the project has assisted the company to improve the efficiency of its Multi-Crop Thresher.

“The Thresher separates grains from plants for all major cereals and reduces threshing time from two weeks to two hours per acre. It also reduces post-harvest losses to less than 2 per cent,” he indicated.

He added that the company needed an investment of $2 million to increase its production and produce more threshers for the agricultural sector and market.

On the part of the Chief Communication Lead of AiScarecrow Technology, Madam Mary Aboagye stated that an effective managing and rollout of the company’s scarecrow devices could contribute to boosting the productivity of rice farmers and decrease the dependency on imported rice.

In a speech delivered on behalf of the Israeli Ambassador to Ghana, Madam Shlomit Sufa, lauded and congratulated the agritech companies for successfully completing the six-week mentorship programme facilitated by the Israeli agritech experts.

According to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Innohub, Mr. Nelson Amo revealed that the organization is constantly pitching the initiative to investors to secure investment opportunities for the agritech companies.

In his speech, he stated “We have already started talking to some investors. We have done investor introductions and some of them are in the final stages of the due diligence process.”

At the end of the engagement, the four agritech companies demonstrated their products to a panel of agritech reviews.

The experts expressed their satisfaction as the products produced by the companies will go a long way in lessening the burden on farmers thus making their work easier.

Four Ghanaian agricultural technology (agritech) start-ups have called on the support of investors to scale-up their technologies and create more employment opportunities in the agriculture value chain

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