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Germany has granted a lump sum of €20 million via the United Nations (UN) to assist and mitigate the suffering from the ongoing severe droughts in some parts of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.

 The funds are also to be used to provide more than 50,000 people in Somalia with feed for their livestock.

“Germany is also extending the assistance to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to ensure that the people in areas which are at risk of hunger from drought can receive swift assistance,” said its embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

According to reports, the drought-affected 6.8 million people living in Oromia, SNNP, Southwest and Somalia regional state and several areas in Southern and Southeastern Ethiopia.

The Guardian News reports that people living in these same areas have found it difficult to recuperate from the 2017 severe droughts, thus witnessing this crisis again has had a great toll on the lives of people living in the affected areas.

“In Ethiopia, 26 dried-up watering holes are to be restored. In Kenya, 15,000 families are to receive humanitarian cash transfers,” the Guardian News reported. According to Germany, the funds will be used to restore the dried-up watering holes.

Also, in Somalia, an estimated 1.4 million people could be displaced due to the current drought and 7.7 million people need humanitarian assistance.

In the three countries, precipitation has decreased by up to 70 per cent whereas some regions in the countries have suffered their lowest rainfall of all time. These factors have contributed to the loss of a source of livelihood among countless families.

The German Embassy stated, “This funding demonstrates the German Government’s fundamental approach to humanitarian assistance. It aims to provide help as fast and as anticipatory as possible to avoid or minimize damage. The German Government has expanded its humanitarian assistance in Africa in the last few years. In 2021, it made available a total of 564 million Euros for assistance on the African continent.”

“The Government of Germany has granted €20 million to support drought in Africa”

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