Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Technology has proven its ability and capability to transform the world when given the chance to operate. A lot of industries in the world rely on technology to brace themselves for the changes happening in the world. Agriculture has also benefited immensely from technology and has been taken to the next level due to how easy technology makes work on the farm or processing factories to be. It is however imperative to say that technology can’t be left out of the equation when we a country wants to develop where it will be self-dependent.

Technology makes work easier. On the farm, there are a lot of works such as harvesting, tilling, planting seeds, irrigation activities, keeping data and records, among other essential elements needed for plantation to occur. Previously, man had to work on large acres of land alone without the help of a machine. It was only some simple tools such as hoe and cutlass which were used on the farm. Those primitive modes of farming have yielded fewer results. However, the shift from the primitive mode of farming to a more modernized mode of farming has proven to be the future of agriculture due to the benefits it is adding to the economy of countries globally. Currently, most countries have adopted technology and are reaping a lot of benefits from the intervention. Technologies such as drones and harvesters have significantly contributed to the development of nations.  

Also, technology reduces labour on the farm. Labour is very necessary on the farm and technology has been a force to reckon with when it comes to doing a lot of jobs that many people on the farm can’t finish within a stipulated time. Now, working on the farm doesn’t need more hands again. Drones for instance are used to practice irrigation and spray fertilizers on crops. In so doing, work done on the farm is faster.

Technology brings about increased productivity and boosts yields. Production on the farm is very essential thus farmers ought to adopt strategies that will sustain and impact the agricultural sector. When technology is involved, seeds can be genetically modified. This, in turn, contributes to increased yields; thereby, contributing to ensuring food security. Food security is very important and technology can help contribute to it. Establishing an institution with the sole priority of training people to invent new technological devices for use in the agricultural sector will be very instrumental in championing a robust agricultural industry.

In conclusion, technology is the future of the world in terms of agriculture. Every nation and country must adopt technology on the farm to ensure and increase productivity. Modernized and developed countries, such as China, the United States, Brazil, and other prominent countries leverage on technology on the farm to sustain productivity and generate more yields on the farm. Furthermore, technology is not a burden but serves our interest due to the state of productivity it adds to every nation. Inventors and entrepreneurs should do their best to bring about new innovations which would help foster growth and development in the world. New technologies are always emerging thus we can also continue to invent more technological equipment to bring about increased production and boost yields on the farm. The best time to change our way of doing things in the agricultural sector is now.


“The shift from the primitive mode of farming to a more modernized mode of farming have proven to be the future of agriculture due to the benefits it is adding to the economy of countries globally”

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