Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


At the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit held in San Francisco, regenerative agriculture was a major topic of discussion between the stakeholders present at the summit to maintain a sustainable agricultural sector.

A four-member panel, consisting of Jeff Rowe, President of Syngenta Seeds, Jannelle Meyers, Chief Sustainability Officer of Kellog Company, Matt Moreland, Partner of Moreland Farms and Michael Doane, Global Managing Director of Food and Freshwater systems centred their interest on defining regenerative agriculture.

Delving into regenerative agriculture, Mr Rowe shared three key components that are meaningful to him. “Agriculture is the single-most-important factor for reducing greenhouse gas footprint of the industry. So our ability to continue to increase yields has a direct impact on our ability to have more climate-smart agriculture,” he said.

On the part of Jannelle Meyers, she mentioned that regenerative agriculture is about soil health, water conservation, biodiversity on farms, and equitable livelihoods for communities and farmers.

According to Moreland, a farmer on the Kansas-Oklahoma border, said, “Regenerative agriculture to me is rebuilding soil from the bad methods of heavy tillage and mono-crop cultures that persist around me today.”

He further added, “One way that we know our soil is healthy is by our yield results.” In addition, he stated that he has intensified crop rotation of crops growing in a season to create a better sink in the soil.

Mr. Rowe disclosed that Syngenta Seeds is focused on getting the right innovation into the hands of farmers. According to him, “Syngenta’s approach to regenerative agriculture solutions is to collaborate and work as quickly as possible with partners to implement solutions.”

However, on the part of Meyers, incentives are part of regenerative agriculture conservation.

“Agriculture is the single-most-important factor for reducing greenhouse gas footprint of the industry”

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