Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The Ghana Association of Agricultural Economists (GAAE) has made a clarion call on the need for a sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security in the context of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Secretary of the association, Dr. Amos Mensah mentioned that, “We need a greater political commitment to the implementation of resilient and sustainable food system methodologies. We, thus, call for urgent steps for emphasis on appropriate sustainable agricultural intensification production practices.”

He added that in turning the agricultural sector around through the inculcation of Sustainable Food Systems and Agribusiness, the sector needed more intensive engagement of stakeholders.

“Agricultural innovations should build on farmer-led innovations bearing in mind indigenous knowledge which had been marginalized over the years”, he further added.

In furtherance to his speech, Dr. Mensah stated that although the government’s effort of initiating and implementing the ‘Planting for Food and Jobs’ is laudable, the government should do its best to maintain a robust agricultural sector and the concept well understood by the policymakers and politicians.

He stressed the relevance of vegetation and pointed out that agricultural production systems should avoid the destruction of vegetation to minimize loss of ecosystem services and to enhance planetary health.

“Emphasis should be made on low external input for agriculture and the building of biomass on farmlands. We call for the intensification of climate start agriculture (CSA) and conservation agriculture (CA) practices, most of which are indeed indigenous farming practices,” he said.

He disclosed that “The COVID-19 pandemic had deepened our understanding of the vulnerability of existing food systems to disasters and shocks. There is need for better management of our food systems at all a level to be resilient to shocks and disasters,” he said. He however indicated that government and other supporting organizations should do their best and provide practical solutions to Ghana’s agriculture and agribusiness problems.

The Association argued that in these recent times, local technologies should be improved on rather than using exotic technologies. They added that innovation and designs concepts should be included in the curriculum of the universities.

The Ghana Association of Agricultural Economists (GAAE) is a membership organization of the leading scholars and students, policy makers, development partners, professionals in the agricultural industry and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

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