Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

Agricultural Industrialization: A Beacon of Hope for Africa

Africa’s agricultural sector has huge prospects to advance economic growth. However, the benefits of the agricultural sector hasn’t been fully realized as little has been done to sustain its relevance.

In this age, agricultural industrialization has become a global changer as prominent nations like China, United States of America and other global giants have fully engaged the potentials of industrialization to grow the sector. It is about time Africa invests in agricultural industrialization to expand its market, sustain the local economy and also generate foreign earnings to become a global giant.

Touching on the economic importance of agricultural industrialization in Africa, the sector creates numerous employment opportunities. This is because, unlike farming and selling the products to buyers, industries further process these crops into more value added products thus broadens the scope of production to include technical hands, offtakers, among others.

The value of industrialization can’t be underestimated as Africa needs to sustain its local economy. It is however recommended that Africa builds more industries to process crops produced by local farmers. This will however, mean that African farmers must improve and increase food production to feed the industries. To be able to maintain these industries, graduates from technical universities must be trained well to be able to operate these factories well.

Agricultural industrialization would also decrease post-harvest losses in Africa thus creating the availability of food. Lets’ rethink Africa and industrialize the agricultural sector.

“Lets’ build Africa through agricultural industrialization”

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