Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

Chocolate: The All Time Favourite Cocoa Product

Interestingly, eating chocolates have been recognized to be one of the healthiest snacks globally. Many people take in chocolates on special occasions and others anytime, any day and anywhere.


Delving into the addition of chocolates into the world’s cuisine, history has it that Spain was the first European nation to use chocolate in its food, albeit the specific circumstances surrounding this are unclear.


Although little was spoken about it at the time, it is known that Christopher Columbus brought cocoa beans to Spain following his fourth expedition in 1502. Although there doesn’t seem to be any proof, it has long been believed that Hernán Cortés, a Spanish conquistador, was fed a bitter cocoa-bean beverage by Montezuma II, the Aztec emperor of Mexico, in 1519. Cortés then brought the beverage to Spain.


In terms of its production, cocoa beans that have been roasted and fermented are used to make chocolate. The kernels are crushed to create a pasty, fluid chocolate liquor that can then be solidified in molds to create bitter (baking) chocolate, pressed to lower the amount of cocoa butter and then powdered to create cocoa, or combined with sugar and more cocoa butter to create sweet (eating) chocolate.


Talking of the health benefits of chocolates, they are countless. Some of the health benefits of chocolates are discussed below.


One of the health benefits of eating chocolates is its benefit to the heart. Studies have shown that the antioxidants in dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, lessen the chance of clotting, and improve blood flow to the heart, all of which lower the risks of stroke, coronary heart disease, and heart-related death.


Secondly, it balances the immune system. Flavonols regulate the immune system by preventing it from going into overdrive and by lowering oxidative stress, which is an imbalance brought on by cells fighting off free radicals and a prevalent factor in many diseases.


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