Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

“Collaborative Efforts to Transform Agriculture: Ghana’s Tree Crop Development Authority at AGRF 2023”

Foster Boateng, a representative of Ghana’s Tree Crop Development Authority, emphasised the significance of collaborative efforts involving the government, private sector, farmers, and development partners in shaping the future of the agricultural sector. Acknowledging the diversity of agriculture, Boateng stressed the necessity of multiple stakeholders working in tandem to create a robust and sustainable food system.

Boateng, who was attending the Africa Food Systems Forum (AGRF) 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, underscored the importance of government commitment to attract private investment and enhance the economy. He viewed AGRF and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa’s (AGRA) support as crucial in addressing African food systems comprehensively through strategic partnerships.

Boateng also commended AGRA’s Consortium Approach, which unites smallholder farmers and connects them with key players in the market. This approach facilitates access to agricultural inputs, extension services, markets, and financing, benefiting farmers and improving overall food systems.

In Ghana, similar initiatives have been undertaken, focusing on forming farmers’ groups and establishing links with market leaders to meet quality standards demanded by markets. Boateng emphasised that market success begins with selecting crop varieties that align with market preferences and requirements.

Regarding climate change, Boateng highlighted Ghana’s adoption of agroforestry farming as a proactive measure. Climate change and human activities have adversely impacted traditional cocoa production areas, prompting the exploration of alternative value chains. Ghana is strategically developing six tree crops—mango, cashew, coconut, rubber, shea, and oil palm—prognosticated to yield $12 billion in revenue over the next seven to ten years.

Agroforestry farming is expected to enhance soil fertility and carbon management, helping farmers manage the challenges posed by climate change effectively. Ghana’s diversified approach to agriculture and its commitment to sustainable practises reflect a forward-thinking strategy to secure its food system and economic growth.

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