Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


 In the days of old, farming was a less fancied job – a for the less privileged in society until farming technology set into the scene. However, it is quite incomprehensible knowing that agriculture remains less digitalized compared to other industries globally. Digital farming concerns itself with the use or adaptation of farming technologies to complete farm activity management.

The world government summit launched a report titled “Agriculture 4.0 – The future of farming technology in Ghana.” It was estimated that 800 million people are suffering from hunger and 8 per cent of the population which is a makeup of 650 million people are likely to be malnourished by the year 2030. With an industry that has not readily adopted little innovations that can hasten the food making process, there are no indications of a plan to combat the scarcity and hunger likely to occur in the coming years. This is the more reason why farmers need to embrace the Agric-technological world.

Farmers will thus be concerned with why and how s can be achieved. Some will make it a daily lamentation spell out the notion that finances are not enough to finance digital farming. However, there have been success cases of farmers who picked up the digital faming, practice and are now on the list of the world’s richest ne Notable amongst them is Liu Yongxing, a businessman in China who started a small farm of chickens and quail back in the 1980s. He currently has a net worth of USs billion based on numerous facts and means, amongst them being the adoption of modern farming.

Surprisingly most of the world’s richest farmers don’t own the biggest farms in the world. Most of them find themselves in the offices, leaving the technological machines on the field with few labourers to do the work. It is important to note that they invested time and money to make their wealth today possible.

 There are readily available technologies such as robot, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images and drones, GPS technology, harvest automation, autonomous tractors, merging datasets, weather monitoring, animal monitoring, packaging material, geospatial monitoring, artificial intelligence and mobile technology. These technologies have proven helpful for farmers who want to achieve the goal of high production with speed, ease and efficiency.

There is the utmost need for farmers to adopt this practice as it is efficient, profitable, easy to use, highly productive, and highly secure for workers or labourers. Digital farming goes a long way to decrease the usage of fertilizers, decrease the risk of water pollution with chemicals, increase the efficiency of water and other inputs, and increase high conservation of biodiversity. With the world population on track to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, innovations must surely be adopted. If scientists have been able to successfully grow crops in the desert and other unfavourable climates through genetic engineering and other technologies, then it is a clear indication that a farmer adopting these technologies to use on a fertile land will excel in his or her activities.

Farmers with experience in digital farming have spoken of how it has helped in the transport of their produce, reduction of workload on the farm, as well as an increase in yield. These benefits were seen when technology was at a low peak and now that there is the availability of sophisticated farming technologies, farmers will enjoy a great deal on their job if they are to embrace digitized farming.

It is hence incumbent on farmers to embrace the new dawn of digital farming within the shortest possible time.

Farming faster and convenient with robotic solution; Drones speed 40 times faster than the traditional sprayer.

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