Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The Government of Ethiopia has acknowledged and appreciated some youths who have ventured into agriculture to help tackle the unemployment challenge the country is facing.

The Ministry of Labor and Skills has accredited thirty (30) youths for their new entrepreneurial idea under the Bruh Innovative Business Idea and Competition.

According to State Minister, Nigussu Tilahun this innovation is a call to young entrepreneurs to bring forth innovative ideas to solve critical cross-sectorial challenges such as agriculture, infrastructure, health and others to meet public needs and grow to become a profitable company.

Daniel Jisso and Yoseph Noha, co-founders of Bros Livestock Feed Processing organization were awarded for starting their business as livestock feed producers. Aside from producing livestock feed, they added that they are venturing into processing their products from recycling fruit and crop peel like mango, maize, pineapple, banana and others.

“Owing to the fact that Ethiopia is one of the first in animal possession from Africa; we are inspired to work on this sector. As a matter of fact, there is a lack of animal feed in the country. Therefore, our association will directly benefit the agriculture sector and the actors who are engaging in the sector,” they said. According to them, they will start work in three months’ time.

The Government has given them land to work on and has also ordered machines in collaboration with the Development Bank of Ethiopia.

The founder of Quadcopter drone for small scale agricultural mechanism, Soressa Dereje, who also initiated an idea under the Government’s initiative, stated that his company, it has the capacity to manufacture drones that perform multipurpose agricultural activities in Ethiopia and provide practical training for its customers and how to operate the drones.

He mentioned that he has established this company in Jimma town of Oromia regional state to solve the problems facing the agriculture sector of the country. According to him, agriculture is the backbone of the country’s economy and establishing this initiative will create more job opportunities for the citizens which will in the long run attract investors to invest in the sector.

The youths are optimistic that the sector will prosper and achieve the greatest output in the near future.

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