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EU and Ghana Conclude CSO-RISE Program

Ghana together with the European Union have recently concluded a five-year integrated program known as CSO-RISE, aimed at bolstering climate resilience, promoting sustainable agriculture, and fostering job opportunities in Ghana. This initiative empowered Ghanaian farmers in coastal and savannah regions to build a more sustainable and prosperous future. It specifically targeted improving living conditions for farmers in nine regions and sixty-three districts and municipalities across Ghana, focusing on various sectors within the agricultural industry, including ginger, fisheries, cashew, and beekeeping.

To implement these projects, grant partners, including Action Aid Ghana, Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud, Centre for Local Government Advocacy, and Cerath Development Organization, received a substantial €7.3 million. These projects were designed to unlock economic opportunities for over 160,000 beneficiaries, with 70 percent of them being women, youth, and persons living with disabilities in the agricultural sector.

Mr. Massimo Mina, the Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation to Ghana, emphasized the EU’s commitment to creating a more resilient and sustainable future for Ghana through the CSO-RISE Program. It was meticulously crafted to contribute to inclusive growth, reduce social inequalities, and promote sustainable and climate-smart agricultural practices. The EU expressed its determination to partner with African governments to identify and implement innovative solutions for poverty reduction and the promotion of decent work in rural and peri-urban areas.

In 2018, the European Union collaborated with the Government of Ghana on a €9 million integrated program that aimed to enhance the resilience and inclusivity of civil society organizations and communities. It also promoted sustainable solutions to pressing economic and social challenges and reinforced the sustainable management of ecosystems.

One notable achievement of the program was the introduction of climate-friendly ovens for fish smoking in the Central, Western, and Bono East regions, benefiting over 20,000 women fishmongers and transforming lives and livelihoods for many families. Additionally, a ginger processing plant was established to support smallholder farmers in adding value to their produce.

The closing ceremony highlighted the project’s beneficiaries in each location, providing participants with a firsthand experience of the project’s positive impact on people’s lives. Mr. Massimo Mina concluded by stating that the partnership between the EU and Ghana for climate-resilient agriculture and improved incomes in rural areas would continue to grow with additional support provided jointly by the EU and its member states under the Team Europe approach.

Mr. Ebenezer Nortey of the National Authorizing Office acknowledged the EU’s consistent support for Ghana’s development agenda, particularly in areas such as sustainable agriculture, climate change, general reforms, public financial management, decentralization, employment, and social protection. He highlighted Ghana’s commitment to addressing climate resilience, poverty, and safeguarding vulnerable populations from unforeseen risks and shocks.

With the National Climate Change Policy and Nationally Determined Contributions in place, the Ghanaian government is exploring various sources of financing for climate action, whether public or private, domestic or external, or a combination of both. Mr. Nortey emphasized the crucial role of civil society organizations in pursuing climate ambitions and encouraged ongoing collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity as the nation works together to build a brighter future. Despite formidable challenges, the successes of the CSO-RISE Programme serve as a reminder that with determination and unity, no obstacle is insurmountable.

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