Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Cassava is more of a medicinal plant than a carbohydrate diet. However, the cassava root does not have the same nutritional content as other tuber vegetables. Cassava is a versatile, flavorful meal that is high in minerals and energy, especially in the tropics.

Cassava is similar to yams and taro, and it may be prepared in the same way as potatoes. Tapioca starch may be used to produce gluten-free baked items. Cassava may be a healthy addition to the diet if individuals take measures when cooking it.

Vitamin C is found in cassava leaves, and it is a strong antioxidant that can help to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. Similarly, B vitamins affect mood, vigour, and metabolism. Beta Carotene is a potent antioxidant that aids in the prevention of cancer… as well as the prevention and repair of DNA damage. Potassium is needed for water control and cardiovascular health, phosphorus and calcium are needed for strong bone fragments, iron and copper are needed for anaemia, zinc is needed for disease resistance, and magnesium (Mg) and manganese are needed for strong bones and enzyme production.

Minerals: The vitamin content of cassava leaves is comparable to regarding liver and eggs which is great.

High in Protein: 100 grams of processed cassava leaves contain roughly 3. 7 grams of protein, which is a decent amount for a renewable leafy vegetable. Furthermore, the leaves contain a variety of proteins that are equivalent to those found in oocytes and soybeans. Cassava leaves also include lysine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, and a lot of arginines, which are not commonly found in green plentiful plants, making them a good source of protein. Cassava leaves have a protein concentration that is equivalent to sweet potato leaves and peanut leaves, with up to 10 times more protein in the leaves than in the roots.

The abundance of protein and vitamins required by the human body to heal itself of various ailments and enhance the immune system allows cassava leaves to aid in the battle against numerous diseases.

Great Source of Vitamins

Cassava leaves have a vitamin level equivalent to carrots, making them beneficial to overall health. Cassava is a calorie-dense vegetable that is high in carbs as well as essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are all found in abundance in cassava. The leaves, which may also be cooked or dried in the sun, can contain up to 25% protein.

Aids in the eradication of Kwashiorkor

Cassava leaves are high in lysine protein, which helps to avoid kwashiorkor, a disorder marked by a lack of protein. Because cyanogenic glucosides induce cyanide poisoning and eyesight loss when consumed, the leaves and tuber should be cooked and properly cleaned before eating.

Enhancement of Appetite

Serve the cooked cassava leaves with garlic and salt with tomato sauce and rice. Cassava leaves are crucial in the preparation of traditional medicine. The cassava leaves help to restore appetite. Consume the cassava leaves and ginger combination every morning after waking up.

Treatment for worms

Boil the cassava bark in three cups of water until just one cup remains. Before retiring to bed, it should be filtered and ingested. It aids in the eradication of worms present in the stomach and aids in the maintenance of a healthy physique. Eating cassava leaves helps to reduce worm infection, according to the results of a study on young goats. You might take a cassava supplement or a paste prepared from cassava leaves to treat this ailment.

Cassava’s genetic structure is now being mapped by scientists. They want to utilize this knowledge to develop improved cassava plants with increased nutritional content, disease resistance, and easier marketability.

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