Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

INFoCAT Project Aims to Drive Clean Energy Opportunities and Sustainable Development

The United Nations University – Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) is actively working on a development project known as “Innovate for Clean Agricultural Technologies” (INFoCAT) with the aim of empowering women and youth in the field of agriculture.

The INFoCAT project which is funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada centers on acknowledging the pivotal role played by small and medium enterprises and the informal sector in addressing technology and energy needs, ultimately fostering clean energy opportunities and contributing to sustainable development.

The 30-month initiative, will also provides pathways for women and youth to actively engage in the clean energy value chain.

Ms. Gifty Ampomah, a Research Fellow at UNU-INRA, emphasized the importance of ensuring that no one is left behind during the energy transition process in countries. She highlighted that INFoCAT is firmly grounded in promoting equitable energy transitions and gender inclusion.

The project is structured to unfold in four stages, encompassing stakeholder engagement and team formation, research development, idea incubation, implementation of optimal solutions, and activities aimed at influencing policies and encouraging the adoption of the developed technologies.

Dr. Ferdinand Tornyie, another Research Fellow at UNU-INRA, outlined the implementation approach, which involves a baseline study, solicitation of expressions of interest, a selection process, capacity building, and the alignment of green entrepreneurs with the project. It also includes the provision of grants, mentorship, and support in policy and regulation.

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