Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Farmers in Japan are adopting new ways to reduce the environmental burden of their operations and activities by using data and information technology with the hope of realizing a sustainable agriculture in the country.

The Government has set a target of reducing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers by 50 percent and 30 percent, respectively by 2050.

Shuichi Yokota, 45, who grows rice in Ibaraki near Tokyo, mentioned that “The accumulation of data on when and how many seedlings were planted makes farm work more efficient.” He added that “Unnecessary use of seedlings and fertilisers can be reduced through analysis of the data.”

He further said, “It’s unrealistic not to use any pesticides or fertilisers at all, as rises in temperatures and humidity due to global warming have increased outbreaks of pests and diseases.”

According to the draft strategy, the Ministry of Agriculture will help to accelerate efforts to develop new crop varieties that are resistant to pests. The Ministry also disclosed that the use of agrochemicals that are less toxic will be promoted in order to realize the chemical pesticide reduction goal.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, this initiative is in the pursuit of promoting the local consumption of locally manufactured organic foods. Also, the Ministry hopes to the export rates of organic agricultural products by expanding areas that do not utilize the use of chemical pesticides to 1 million hectares by 2050.

Organic farming is however gradually drawing attention in Japan and other parts of the world. This initiative is set to increase the sustainability of the agricultural sector and help create more employment opportunities for the youth and farmers. The export base which will be increased will also generate more foreign earnings for the country which in the long run will make the economy of Japan robust by 2050. Farmers in Japan are however urged to embrace the initiative and work very hard to achieve the set target.

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