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Madagascar lauds China for financial and technical support in Africa’s agric development

The Secretary-General of the Madagascar Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Fanja Raharinomena, has thanked the Chinese government for its commitment to supporting Africa’s agriculture sector through financial and technical aid.

The Minister described China as a pioneer in hybrid rice research in the world contributing to increased rice production, especially in Madagascar.

She exhibited this appreciation during her visit to the demonstration fields of hybrid rice varieties funded by the Chinese government in Mahitsy, a town in the northwest of the Madagascar capital, Antananarivo.

“Hybrid rice gives a yield of up to 11 tons per hectare, whereas conventional rice produces only five tons per hectare, with the use of improved practices and techniques under the right conditions,” the minister told Xinhua news agency.

She however explained that these new varieties can contribute to a rapid increase in the level of rice production in the country.

She bemoaned the challenges the agricultural sector encountered due to the inadequate financial and technical support which subsequently results in hampering the large-scale production of hybrid rice in Madagascar.

Madagascar is noted for a humid tropical climate blessed with abundant sunshine and water resources. The country has the right weather conditions for rice cultivation, but inadequate infrastructure, obsolete agricultural technologies, and lack of investment have contributed negatively to the achievement of producing rice to meet local demands. The country has been importing thousands of rice annually.

In 2019, China’s National Hybrid Research and Development Centre set up an office in Madagascar with the aim of breeding various hybrid rice varieties based on the island state’s diverse ecological environment and enhancing food security on the African continent.  

Reports indicate that Madagascar rice farmers earn a profit margin of five times more by growing hybrid rice than cultivating conventional varieties, though not all hybrid rice seed varieties are suitable for cultivation in Madagascar.


“Hybrid rice gives a yield of up to 11 tons per hectare, whereas conventional rice produces only five tons per hectare, with the use of improved practices and techniques under the right conditions”

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