Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The Minister of Food and Agriculture, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, has declared that the Agriculture Ministry is set to implement more greening interventions to increase the nation’s food production and security.

He mentioned that the interventions would include increasing agroecological practices such as conservation, regenerative and climate-smart agriculture. He further added that biodiversity conservation and land management practices would be inculcated to promote the minimal use of agrochemical inputs.

He made this statement when he was speaking at the 73rd Annual New Year School and Conference (ANYSC) at the University of Ghana on 30th January, 2022.

In delivering his address, he disclosed that, “Adopting sustainable production, post-production and consumption practices are essential elements for promoting the greening Ghana agenda to consolidate the gains so far achieved.”

Dr. Akoto revealed that Greening Ghana for Food and Jobs during these trying times was critical for sustaining and accelerating growth and development in the agriculture sector.

He however added that the government’s initiative for Greening the agriculture sector had intensified its efforts over the last five years to accelerate growth and development inclusively and sustainably.

“Over the years, the combined effect of these specific interventions account substantially for improved food production and overall food security for the country,” he said.

According to him, most of the interventions under the Planting for Food and Jobs have integrated climate change in their design and implementation.

He disclosed that the goal for Greening Ghana for growth and development requires a more concerted effort of the government in scaling up climate-smart projects to foster resilience to shocks and help strengthen the country’s food systems.

Dr. Akoto further highlighted that the Ministry is adopting the recommendations outlined in Ghana’s pathways agreed upon during the national food discourse at the climate change conference held in Scotland (COP26).

He further highlighted that other strategies would be adopted to promote climate-smart agriculture cocoa production which involves improving soil fertility, planting new resilient cocoa strains, replacing old trees and integrated pest management in forest and transitional areas.

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