Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Farmers have made huge sums of income, nations have earned huge sums of revenue and the world market is making use of cassava day in and out. However, analyzing the huge sums of revenue from cassava farming, the question of why people aren’t venturing into it is a question worthy to ponder on. One of the reasons discovered reveals that such farmers aren’t well equipped literally with the delight, benefit and joy that comes along with cassava farming. Another reason is the farmers that are experiencing the joy are not announcing it but keeping it to themselves. Wondering which food item to produce? Cassava farming is one of the best options amongst the many. The question has always been why cassava farming?

Cassava is used as a primary ingredient in the food industry, the textile and apparel business, the brewing industry, the carpentry sector, cosmetology, confectionaries, culinary and non-food applications such as making papers, adhesives, and pharmaceutical firms. If these sectors may fade away, which is quite unlikely, then cassava farming can also fade out, which is also highly unlikely. On the second tier, if these sectors are profiting handsomely from their sales, cassava farming is likely to see a surge in demand, resulting in a rise in income. A ready market means that there are actual customers, sellers, or investors prepared to trade or own your goods, and this is the first benefit that any cassava grower who has a ready market enjoys. The burden of figuring out where to find clients has been alleviated.

As a result, if a farmer becomes engrossed in his or her output, it becomes impossible for the farmer to become extinct or not generate a respectable amount of money, all other factors being equal.

Let’s find out some other reasons why cassava farming is advisable;

  • Cassava is a climate change adaptive crop that can endure high temperatures and drought, and it takes a low input of resources and time to produce tons of it.
  • Except for heavy or soggy soil, cassava grows well in all types of soil. Though it prefers sunshine, it grows best in deep, well-drained soil that is rich in organic minerals.
  • Cassava grows in the tropics and subtropics; thus, it can withstand high temperatures.
  • It can withstand long periods of drought as well as little rainfall.

Cassava also does not require irrigation owing to its hardiness, since it can adapt and survive unfavourable weather conditions. Having all this delight in mind, if the farmer is to enter into cassava farming, attaining the basic revenue at least won’t be a problem. There is joy in cassava farming; there is money, sweetness, easiness and all the good benefits a farmer will desire to get from his efforts. A step should be made towards this course to get this delight.

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