Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The profitability of a crop depends on how its early stages of growth are attended to. Just like any other living organism, the prime stage of a living thing is very important and crucial to the development of that living organism. Commencing from the planting stage through to the germination stage, nurturing the crop makes it thrive. Every farmer is so much concerned about the prime of its crop since it is a determinant of the success of the crop or how the crop will yield fruits.

There are so many reasons why the growth of the crop needs to be taken with great concern. During the early stages of the crop, many hindrances inhibit the growth of the crop and these hindrances must be attended to.

During the prime of a crop, controlling weeds is very important. When the seed germinates, weeds grow among the crops. This, however, inhibits the growth of a crop due to the hindrance of getting free space and environment to sprout. The farmer thus controls the weeds to get the favourable conditions and environment necessary for plant growth.

Also, during the prime stage of a crop, irrigation is a necessary factor. Irrigation at the early stages of a crop is beneficial to the growth of a crop. Irrigation serves as insurance against drought during the dry season or low rainfall. Even in rainy seasons, irrigation systems are needed between rainfalls. It is however important to note the best type of irrigation system to use on the farm. In the case where there is a shortage of water or scarcity of water, pipelines can be used during these times. For instance, sprinkler irrigation transports water through these pipes. Also, agricultural experts have said that the requirements of irrigation are solely dependent on plant factors and soil factors. The plant factors, the stage of growth, the depth of the root system, the type of crop, among other factors are considered. Also, about soil factors, the aeration of the soil, texture, the water-holding capacity, fertility and salinity of the soil is necessary for plant or crop growth at its early stage of life.

Fertilizer application is also a major factor at the early stage of a crop. Fertilisers are applied to the soil to nourish the crop with some essential nutrients necessary for crop growth. During the prime of the crop, the soil needs to be rich, so that the needed nutrients can be supplied to the various part of the crop or plant. It is, however, important for every farmer to know that the application of organic and inorganic fertilisers to the soil is crucial to supporting the growth of a young seedling or a crop.

Disease control is also one key factor to consider when seeing to the growth of a crop as a farmer. During the early stages of the crop, the crop is prone to a lot of diseases thus the farmers need to adopt some measures to control the diseases that affect the crop. Some farmers can prevent these diseases through the application of recommended pesticides and other plant medicine.

In conclusion, the prime stage of a crop is very important and needs the greatest attention to grow. Farmers should adopt some strategies to control weeds, diseases and adopt some necessary elements such as irrigation systems, mulching, among others.

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