Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The Robovator is a crop-scanning robot with a plant detecting camera mounted above each row of crops. It uses hydraulic power to operate a mechanical tool (similar to a hoe). It’s a hoeing machine that’s operated by a camera. Each line has a camera that separates the weed from the crop. To eradicate weeds, the rear-mounted hoes work at a rapid pace around the plants. This machine has a capacity of up to 6 kilometres per hour and can handle 2 to 9 rows.

Each parallelogram is equipped with specifically built plant detecting cameras that continually watch the passing plants. If a crop plant passes, the computer will send a signal to the hydraulically driven tool, which will move out of the row at the set time. The tool will be moved back into the row once the crop plant has passed.

If a gap in the row exists, such as when one or more plants are missing, the tool will simply stay in the row. Even if the tractor deviates from the path, the automated lateral control will ensure that the equipment remains in the proper location.


  • Mechanical components with high performance
  • Spring-loaded hoeing tools are protected against overload.
  • Machine lateral alignment is automatic.
  • Each hoeing instrument is controlled by a different camera.
  • Long-lasting hydraulic operation
  • During operation, individual electronic hoeing settings may be adjusted.
  • Can be used for transplanted or direct seeded crops until the rows are closed.
  • Weed detection by distinguishing between plant seizes
  • Hydraulic and electric power supply onboard
  • High capacity – up to 1.5 – 2/hour depending on soil and plant conditions!
  • Only 5 KW of electricity is required.
  • Easy to use, even for inexperienced operators.

There is no weed left all around the plant, just like when hand-weeding is done inside the row. Cultivated plants and weeds are detected by a camera above each row, which is subsequently removed.

Only two settings must be altered to run the machine in other plants or situations after the basic configuration is completed

NB: Make sure the Power Take Off shaft connecting the machine to the tractor is trimmed to the right length when installing it. Please be advised that when the machine is raised, the hydraulic cylinder at the top of the 3-point linkage will automatically pull the machine closer to the tractor. If the shaft is excessively lengthy, the machine will suffer major damage the first time it is raised!

  • Check to see that the bolts that hold the tools in place are secure.
  • Avoid overtightening.
  • When mounted on the tractor, the machine must be upright.

Make sure the oil level is correct. The window’s surface should be in the centre.

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