Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Managing a farm is an arduous task; therefore, it needs individuals with practical skills and qualities to manage and operate a farm effectively. Every professional field needs some unique set of skills to give off one’s best. Farming is no exception to those mentioned above, but the subject of acquiring skills before venturing into farming has not been discussed and left unattended for some time now. Ranging from crop farming to animal farming, these sets of skills and qualities are needed. In the article, some skills needed for farming will be discussed and why it needs to be given much attention.


There is the given time in every given year for preparing the land, planting, nurturing, and harvesting the crops. However, some farmers don’t manage their time well. Some are seen planting when that particular time was scheduled for harvesting. Time management is important because you can keep up to seasons and not miss anything such as sunlight, rain, or other determining factors necessary for plant growth. Some farmers cannot meet the season where there is a ready market thus complain of food getting rotten, which contributes to post-harvest losses.


The farmer uses a wide range of simple tools to more complex ones, especially on modernised farms. These tools will in most case, need maintenance and repairs when faulty. It is, however important for a farmer to have general knowledge of machinery and tools maintenance. Having this skill will help in the smooth operation of the farm without stopping work or purchasing a new tool, equipment, or machinery. Being able to repair the machinery on the farm would prevent the farmer from having to wait for longer periods before a mechanic or an engineer will get to the farm.


A farmer with good organisational skills has a higher probability of becoming successful. Being organised means that you are always on point, have a good database and keep record of everything that happens on the farm. 


Due to the evolution of technology and other innovations, there is a direct impact on how farming is done now. For a farmer to be successful in this venture, he or she needs to adopt new trends and develop new ways on how to stay relevant in the agricultural sector. A shift from the primitive mode of farming to a modernised way of farming is central to making the agricultural sector more lucrative. Being adaptable is considered as one of the ways to ensuring a sustainable agriculture as well.


In this 21st century, the world and every economy sector revolve around technology. Leveraging technology is an added advantage for any farmer who wants to succeed in technology. Most advanced countries leverage technology on the farm and generate more income.


Skills are unavoidable in seeing to the smooth operation of a project, task or an activity. It is very important to possess some skills that would backbone your success as a farmer. Managing your time efficiently, having practical skills in maintaining farm tools and equipment, having a good organisational skills and being able to adapt quickly to new trends are critical in every farm of field.

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