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Việt Nam and Japan to promote more collaboration in  high-tech agriculture

According to a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Viet Nam would continue to promote its partnership with Japan in the area of high-tech agricultural development.

According to Nguyen Anh Tun, director of MARD’s Department of International Cooperation, the ministry is reviewing and developing the Medium and Long-term Vision for Viet Nam-Japan Agricultural Cooperation for the phase of 2025–2028 in order to supplement two new fields of developing green and sustainable agriculture with the application of advanced technologies and vocational training in the agricultural sector.

Recently, the two nations have pushed for collaboration in advancing agriculture in Vietnam. Over US$1 billion in total, Japan has donated Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Viet Nam in the agricultural sector.

“Việt Nam’s enterprises must have qualified human resources and business plans meeting green and sustainability standards of foreign investors, including Japanese investors.

“In addition, Việt Nam will continue to call on Japanese enterprises to pool investment into farming value chains such as rice, fruit, vegetable and seafood value chains,” he explained.

He added, “The foreign investors who meet that criteria will enjoy more incentives than regular investors.”

“We will also develop handbooks to guide the investors in each specific field of the agricultural sector and have orientation for investors in terms of green investment and close connection with Vietnamese farmers,” he pointed out.

 Tuấn asserts that the Japanese government’s current investment in Viet Nam’s agricultural sector does not match the two nations’ potential for cooperation. The extent of Japan’s investment in Vietnam’s high-tech agriculture is still tiny, and the investors are also SME’s.

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