Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


When it comes to the feeling of worth and importance, nothing has a telling impact like the immediate environment in which we find ourselves. For instance, while we may feel loved and wanted in one setting, another may regard us as an afterthought and a negligible component. This is the same fate that befalls the organic manure once it is released onto the ground. In the surrounding where it originates from, it is merely seen as a by-product — the unwanted piece of an ingestion process. However, this same element is bread and butter to farmers who see it as an invaluable component in the growth of their crops. I am sure this example has caused some personal experiences of ours to spring to mind — those moments where we moved from being not-haves to absolutely must-haves.

Unlike the cow which sees the dung as a heavy burden it has to release out of its body, the farmer cherishes it because of the purely natural properties it has, in addition to its ability to protect both soil and plant. Simply put, it is the complete pack in the eyes of the farmer. What is interesting the more is that, the dung is excreted in its raw state and to the soil or the farmer it is a precious thing.

For instance, the same smile on your face that irritates someone so much that they hate to see you, could be the same smile that fills someone with hope each morning. The skill that is not valued among a certain group of people, could be beneficial elsewhere.

An alternative way to look at the situation is that the manure decided to take up a second chance at life, after previously thinking it would spend its days on the floor and be trampled upon. Upon realizing that it had come to a place where it is valued, it decides to reward its new surroundings by revealing its true worth. This is something we fail to do as people.

When we are given another chance at life or happiness after previously being in toxic surroundings or relationships, we tend to let the past still keep a hold of us. We end up forming protective barriers around us or punish new people for the sins of those in our past. But like the manure, one thing we must realize is that it takes being trampled upon to realize that we are in the wrong place. It may be discomforting to leave but it could be rewarding in the end if we move to a place where we are appreciated.

We could potentially move from being a by-product or end of a cycle into an integral member and the beginning of another cycle. We just heed that confidence to make the decision to move.

With that said, we ought to invest time into the education, research and application of organic manure. Studies have shown that the proper use of organic manure possess low risk to the environment as compared to chemical fertilizers. They are also cheaper and easy to collect. It also needs mention that it can be acquired daily. The foregoing invites us to know the worth of it and make good use of the same.

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