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“We have an ambitious plan to increase Non-Traditional Export from $2.5 billion to $25 billion within a space of 10 years” – Deputy Trade Minister.

Deputy Trade Minister of Ghana discloses plans of government to increase productive capacity and earnings of agribusiness through the National Export Development Strategy before 2030. The deputy trade minister of Ghana, Mr. Herbert Krapa accompanied by Mr. Samuel Dentu, Deputy CEO of Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) and some other officials from GEPA had a visit to the largest banana plantation in Ghana in pursuit of accessing the exporting firms in the country to inform government policies by understanding the challenges faced by them. He made his first working visit to Golden Exotics Limited (GEL), A French Company known as the largest producers of banana and pineapple plantation in Ghana located in Greater Accra Region district of Asutuare in the Shai Osudoku headed with its managing director being Jean Yves Regnier. A company that greatly influences the export sector of the economy.

Addressing the media after the tour, the deputy minister commended the efforts of the company for producing high quality and organic bananas over a decade and employing 3000 Ghanaians into its workspace. He commended their contribution to the employment arena of the country and the knowledge of banana and pineapple plantation production they have impacted into Ghanaians. The minister further disclosed some plans of the government to ensure the stability of the economy in Pursuit of attracting more investors to boast the country’s economy stating that getting investments to set in will keep the government informed about the government to ensure the stability of the economy in pursuit of attracting more investors to boost the country’s economy stating that getting investments to set in will keep the government informed about the trends and latest developments in relation to Non-traditional exports products across the globe.

He revealed, “We have an ambition, plan” to increase Non-Traditional Export® (NTE) frog, $2.5 billion currently to $25 billion within a space of 10 years and they are the ones that we would be relying on to be able to achieve that. It has significant impact on the economy as we know, the forex, the economy, job creation, boosting the local economy as well and it is important that we assure and reassure them continuously that we are partners in this.”

Mr. Krapa assured them of government’s support towards this course. Government’s support to agribusinesses will be done through the National Export Development Strategy, this support will help increase the capacity of productivity as well increase its earnings to keep the economy stable, he explained. The vice president of GEL, Oliver Chassang commended also the visit of the deputy minister and urged the government to make all efforts to keep the economy stable in terms of its agribusinesses to attract investors and also to sustain them. The vice president of GEL, Oliver Chassang said that the company started its operations in 2003. In almost two decades with 1,600 hectares of banana plantation the company produces 50,000 tons of bananas and 10,000 tons of pineapple annually. Mr. Chassang stated that the company hopes to export 80,000 tons of bananas comprising of 20,000 tons of organic bananas and 60,000 conventional bananas to European and ECOWAS countries.

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