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A solution to a tiff over avocados between the two countries would be found soon — Prime Minister of Tanzania

Tanzania is known for the massive production of avocadoes with 50,000 farmers into its production and mainly exporting to Europe. The country has been aggressively growing its avocado production over the years whilst South Africa on the other hand has seen an acute seasonal shortage of avocado in early 2021 with the area for the growing of avocado increasing 5% every year.
Tanzania was blocked from exporting its avocado produce into South Africa over a lack of phytosanitary documents at the border early this year. Currently there is a high demand in South Africa for avocado and local farmers are not able to meet the demand and as a result have led in their support to the process of certifying Tanzanian Fruit for export.

The prime minister of Tanzania Kassim Majaliwa, announced that the two countries are finalizing negotiations under which the East African Country will soon begin to export avocadoes to South Africa. He indicated that solution is underway and will occur soon after south Africa didn’t only block access to export but also seized the avocadoes from the Moravian Farming Company PVT Limited. This act of seizure by the country was explained by Mr. Clowes the founder of avocado giant Kuza Africa Limited in Tanzania stating that they were protecting the country’s avocado growers.

“We opted to negotiate, and discussions will be concluded soon. Our farmers will eventually have the right to benefit from the South African market in the same way their counterparts [in South Africa] selling their apples in large volume in Tanzania,” He revealed to the farmers at Rungwe, Mbeya. The prime minister encouraged farmers to increase production in order to benefit fully from the German Company and the church’s investment. “Spend the earning to educate your children to the tertiary level,” he said further.
Mr. Majaliwa ordered the district council in the region to convert the 10% funds meant for women, children and the disabled into the production of avocado seeds stating that the seedlings are better than the money.

Also, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Hussein Bashe assured farmers of other markets such as the Chinese and India market that the government is working on to open that is, aside South Africa. This act by the government he explained is to give the country a free access to these markets in times of exportation. He revealed this in his speech in Lufilyo Village in Busekelo District in the region.

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