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Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi says China and Zambia should expand cooperation in emerging areas, such as modern agriculture, manufacturing, and renewable energy.

She made this statement when addressing the Zambian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Stanley Kasongo Kakubo in East China’s, Anhui Province.

According to the Zambian Minister, “China-Zambia relations have become a benchmark of China and Africa friendship and a model of South-South cooperation.”

Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, also stated that China hopes Zambia will create a sound business environment for Chinese companies in the country and China will also continue to provide support to Zambia’s economy and social; development within its capacity.

Wang Yi said, since last year, bilateral trade between China and Zambia has bucked the overall downward trend and enjoyed positive growth, and key projects have been put into operation continuously.

In furtherance to his speech, he stated “We always champion justice in the world, stand firmly with African brothers and sisters, and are the most reliable partners of African countries. China is ready to work with African countries including Zambia to continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns, and safeguard the common interests of the developing countries and international fairness and justice.”

Speaking at the meeting, the Zambian Minister mentioned that, in deepening bilateral practical cooperation, Zambia expects China to expand investment and trade in Zambia.

He also spoke highly of China’s long-term contribution to the development of the African continent, saying that “Zambia is willing to work with China to uphold and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries.”

Zambia is ready to work with China to firmly safeguard the internationally recognized principles such as respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries and non-interference in internal affairs.

The cooperation between the two countries is expected to spur growth in the country, and also help the two economies assist each other in building a robust economy.

Also, the two parties have pledged their support and commitment to providing the necessary logistics and support necessary for creating a sound environment for peaceful cooperation between the two countries.


“China hopes Zambia will create a sound business environment for Chinese companies in the country and China will also continue to provide support  to Zambia’s economy and social; development within its capacity”

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