Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Development Gateway (GD), in partnership with (AFO) has developed a new dashboard Ghana called “Visualizing Insights on Fertilizer for African Agriculture (VIFAA) for the country. The dashboard was developed to provide accurate information in relation to issues concerning fertilizer as well as assist fertilizer industry players in responding correctly to market developments so that adequate and suitable fertilizers reach farmers at the optimum time for planting in Ghana. In order to fulfill the demands of stakeholders, the dashboard will also solve major fertilizer information gaps and offer up-to-date data to aid policy and investment choices in the fertilizer industry.
The Ghana Country Lead for Gateway Development, Mr. Wekem Raymond Avatim, speaking at a press conference on Friday morning, September 17th 2021 mentioned that the dashboard had been introduced in Kenya and Ghana within the sub-region due to the availability of data in the two countries. He added, “We hope that it (dashboard) will bring improvement in the forecasting of the purchasing of fertilizers in the country.”

A Website and Fertilizer Statistics Specialist, Mr. Fred Gyasi also added that the dashboard has been filled with information about fertilizer from 2010 to date to help farmers make informed decisions accurately and timely. Mr. Gyasi explained that the dashboard will inform farmers about the prices and availability of fertilizers on the market and help them make accurate decisions with the existing data on VIFAA.
The dashboard, which was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will be launched on September 22, in Accra. The launch is expected to bring together key fertilizer industry stakeholders such as the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Customs Division, COCOBOD, Canadian High Commission, USAID West Africa, West Africa Fertilizer Association (WAFA), and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)

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