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MoFA Announces Bird Flu Outbreak In Ghana

The Ministry of Food and gricultu_re (MoFA), through its Vetermary Services Directorate, has confirmed the state of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza disease, popularly known as Bird Flu in some parts of the country.

The affected regions are Greater Accra, Central, and Volta. The outbreak of the disease came up subsequently after the detection of similar cases in bordering countries since the beginning of the year.

Through active observation and disease control management, the Veterinary Services Directorate has prohibited the extension of the disease into Ghana until now. Previous cases of the Bird Flu disease in the country were previously recorded in 2007, 2015, 2016, and 2018, with a substantial financial impact on affected poultry farmers.

The zoonotic nature of the disease calls for public alertness and vigilance to lessen the possible impact on the poultry industry and public health as a whole. The Ministry also announced the following measures for immediate compliance:

  • A total ban on all import of Poultry and Poultry products from neighboring countries where the incidence of the disease has been confirmed.
  • A ban on the movement of Poultry and Poultry Products within and from the affected regions and districts to other parts of the country, and strict inspection and issuance of permits to cover the movement of all poultry and poultry products from unaffected parts of the country.

Strengthening of public awareness and sensitization by Regional Coordinating Councils and District Assemblies, especially in the affected areas.

Citizens are hereby advised to adhere to the following to prevent endangering themselves as well as others:

  • Report any uncommon death of domestic poultry and wild birds to the nearest Veterinary office and public.
  • Avoid holding dead birds with bare hands at all cost to prevent contamination and Only poultry meat and poultry products that have been well cooked must be ingested.

The Ministry also assures the all and sundry that there is no cause for fear and panic since the Veterinary Services Directorate has everything under control and is taking all requisite steps to contain the outbreak and spread of the disease to other parts of the country. The success of this however greatly hinges on the full cooperation of the public.

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