Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The President of Ghana, Nana Akuffo Addo on a tour in the Northern Region has commissioned the GH$7.3 MILLION Savelugu Rice Factory and the GHe6.04 million Technology Solution Centre (TSC) Factory.

In pursuant to the one district one factory vision of the president, His Excellency as part of his two-day tour to the Northern Region on Saturday 7th August, commissioned the Savelugu Rice Processing Factory worth GH$7.3 MILLION and inaugurated the GH$6.04 million Technology Solution Centre (TSC).

Funded by the Africa Development Bank, the factory was constructed under the 1-District-1-Factory Common User Facility (CUF) whilst TSC was established under the Rural Enterprises Programme (REP). CUF is an agro-industrial factory established by the Rural Enterprises Programme (REP) under the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

 The factory has, as part of its machinery, processing plants, standby generator, modern parboiling, milling, mechanized borehole and packaging plants. It also has an office for its staff, a conference room, laboratory and a canteen/kitchen. The Savelugu Rice Factory has the capacity to process between 1.5 and 2.8 tons of rice per hour. Over 600 farmers from Savelugu municipality and neighboring communities are expected to be engaged directly in the supply of paddy rice for processing to the factory.

The Savelugu Rice Processing Factory will employ about 118 people including management professionals, factory floor workers and plantation workers who will work on a nucleus rice farm. The Staff will include, technicians from qualified management professionals and ministry of Trade and Industry. Being one of the new facilities among the five new facilities being established by REP, the CHe6.04 million Technology Solution Centre (TSC) has been set up to support Government’s Industrialization Agenda particularly the one district one factory initiative.

This facility has its main functions to be; the production of spare parts and repair services for district factories and the oil and gas industry, manufacturing of agro-processing equipment, provide training for Hunan resource capacity building and also comes with hostel facilities.

 Aside the commissioning of these projects, the president thanked the Paramount Chief of the Yoo Traditional Area, Naa Abdulai Andani, for allocating 2,000 acres for the construction of the factories and also showed appreciation to the Chief and his people for their support during the 2020 elections.

He stated that Savelugu municipality will be a beneficiary of the second year of road agenda and the agenda 111 district hospitals project. “The lands have been procured, the designs have been completed and the contractors have been identified and happily for you and me Savelugu municipality is part of the agenda 111,” the president said,

“The importance of the rice processing factory cannot be underestimated as it will add value to production of rice, increase income of rice farmers and create employment for the people in the area,” the paramount chief revealed after expressing gratitude to the president.

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