Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi has virtually launched 100 Made in India agricultural drones across the country, which carries out farm operations in unique simultaneous flights. Narendra Modi has labelled the launch as a ‘milestone’ for Indian agriculture.

In a tweet after the mega launch, the Prime Minister stated, “This is a new chapter in the direction of modern agricultural facilities of the 21st century. I am confident that this beginning will not only prove to be a milestone in the development of the drone sector but will also open the sky to unlimited possibilities.”

According to him, the intervention will create more employment opportunities for the youth in the country. “This will generate fresh employment and new opportunities for the youth,” he said.

In furtherance to his statements made, the Prime Minister stressed that new technologies would bring a “world of opportunities for farmers and youth”.

Chennai-based Garuda Aerospace, the company responsible for the production of the drones told the Prime Minister that the company will manufacture 100,000 drones in the next two years which will help create more jobs and improve the standard of living among farmers.

Experts in the agricultural sector in India have said that the introduction of drones across the country could prove transformative and efficient in farm works although the costs involved in the application of drones in the country are still high.

However, Framers’ Producer Organizations and large collectives are now qualified to apply and receive grants up to 75 per cent of the cost of the drone for demonstrations.  

The Chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra announced the decision to scale up farm drones. “Drones are destined to become a part of our daily lives. But nowhere will they have a more beneficial effect than in farmlands,” he said.

“Agricultural drones will have to be offered cheaply through custom hiring centres. This will be possible if firms can achieve scale through widespread use,” said an analyst with Aggrow, a farm technology firm in India.

The Prime Minister stressed that new technologies would bring a “world of opportunities for farmers and youth”.

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