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It is important to work closely with county government and civil society’s partnerships to thrive. This will enhance food production by farmers and increase food security,” – Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator (Washington) for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator (Washington) for USAID, Ms. Maura Barry during her visit to the office of the Makueni County Commissioner, Maalim Mohammed stated that in order to enhance agriculture in Makueni County, strong collaboration between the government and civil society is required.

She added that she believes it is critical to involve women and youth in this partnership in order to achieve food security and boost revenue for farmers in the area. During her visit, she saw her numerous initiatives, including the Kathozweni Dairy Factory and the sponsored program for 8,070 mango and passion fruit growers, 55 percent of whom are women and 10% of whom are youth at Goshen.

Farmers in the target area have had access to clean planting materials, including over 30,000 passion fruit seedlings distributed by Goshen farmers, as well as extension services, integrated pest management technologies, as well as a consistent market for their farm produce.

Ms. Barry also visited the Sinai Water project in Kathozweni, which features solar panel to pump water to recipients.
During the tour, she said, “the water from the project will improve lives of especially women and children in schools. Cases of waterborne disease have gone down.”

In terms of collaborations, the administrator stated that the government works in a coordinated manner, and that the same is true for development partners operating in the nation. The County Commissioner, Maalim Mohammed praised and thanked Ms. Barry’s organization for its support to farmers in the county, particularly in eradicating the fruit fly, which had resulted in lower profits.

He further explained that farmers have been empowered and linked to markets which has reduced exploitation of farmers by middlemen who have taken advantage of a lack of outlets to sell agricultural goods.
“We appreciate your support to farmers to eradicate the fruit fly. The farmers have been linked to direct international markets. This has led farmers to earn maximum profits,” Mohammed expressed.

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