Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Cassava cake is one of the most popular and enjoyed homemade delicacies in the Philippines. Made from grated cassava, the root crop is mixed with milk and sugar and sometimes topped with a creamy milk mixture.


  • 500 grams of Cassava
  • 3 tbsp Sugar
  • 200ml evaporated milk/ fresh milk Preparation
  • Peel the cassava
  • Scrape the cassava with a grater (make sure it is in tiny pieces)
  • Sieve and extract cassava juice from grated cassava
  • Add 2 tbsp of sugar to the raw cassava
  • Add 200ml milk into the mixture
  • Mix well and set aside
  • Pour 1 tbsp into a separate tin and heat till sugar melts and becomes gold in colour
  • Let the tin with the melted sugar cool down and harden
  • Pour the cassava mixture into the tin
  • Steam in the pan for 40-45 minutes
  • Remove from the pan to cool
  • Serve with the topping of your choice.

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