Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Soy milk is a great alternative to animal milk. It’s delicious, and can be made at home affordably and easily. Of course, we like to do all kinds of fun things with our soy milk like make diary free yogurt or tofu, but it’s also delicious to drink.

You can add various things to your soy milk like a little sugar, some agave nectar, a pinch of salt, or even something a little more interesting like cinnamon or cocoa.


  • ½ cup soybeans
  • 2-3 cups water for soaking
  • 4 cups water for blending
  • Sugar to taste (optional)


  1. Soak soybeans in 2-3 cups of water overnight. This will soften the soybeans and get them ready for blending.
  2. Discard water and rinse soybeans. We want to get rid of any of the dirt or contaminants that were on the beans themselves.
  3. Remove skins as best as you can. You can rub the beans by hand while they’re underwater. The released skins will float to the top and can be skimmed off. Don’t worry if you can’t get them all. Blending the beans will release all the soy nutrition.
  4. Add soybeans and 4 cups water to blend.
  5. Blend until smooth. This step exposes the entire beans to the water, ensuring we squeeze all the nutrition we can from these beans for our homemade soy milk.
  6. Strain the blended mixture using cheesecloth or nut milk bag. Our testing has led us to these organic cotton nut milk bags.
  7. Heat the strained milk in a heavy-bottom pan to 212ºF (100ºC). Hold this temperature for 20 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent sticking. Cool the milk and store. This is an important step since, as a legume, soy can’t be consumed raw.
  8. Refrigerate up to 4 days.

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