Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Beetroot has been gaining popularity since its inception as a superfood. Recent studies claim that beets and beetroot juice can improve athletic performance, reduce blood pressure, and increase blood flow. So much so that an increasing number of juices and drinks are now incorporating this nutritious food item.


Beta vulgaris also called beetroot, common beet, or garden beet is one of the four cultivated forms of the plant Beta vulgaris of the amaranth family (Amaranthaceae) grown for its edible leaves and taproot.

The beetroot is the taproot portion of a beet plant, usually known in North America as beets while the vegetable is referred to as beetroot in British English, and also known as the table beet, garden beet, red beet, dinner beet or golden beet.

Other cultivars of the same species include the sugar beet leaf vegetable known as chard or spinach beet, and mangelwurzel, which is a fodder crop. Beetroot comes from the same family as sugar beets. However, it is genetically and nutritionally different.


Raw beetroot is 88% water, 10% carbohydrate, 2% protein and less than 1% fat. It is a rich source of folate (27%) and a moderate source of manganese (16%), with other nutrients having insignificant amounts.


  1. Heart health and blood pressure

 Researchers have found that consuming beetroot significantly lowers blood pressure after ingestion. They suggest that this antihypertensive effect was due to the high levels of nitrate in the beetroot.  It is recommended that consuming high nitrate vegetables like beetroot is an effective, low-cost way to help treat high blood pressure.

  1. Diabetes

Beets contain an antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid. This compound helps lower glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity.

  1. Digestion and regularity

Beetroot contains fibre and consuming enough fibre is essential for smooth digestion and gut health.

  1. Exercise and athletic performance

Some studies have found that beetroot supplementation can improve the amount of oxygen that muscles absorb during exercise. It is found that high doses of beetroot improved the time trial results of experienced cyclists.

  1. Cancer prevention

Green, leafy vegetables such as beet tops provide high levels of dietary nitrate. Cooked beet tops are a great source of iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, and folate which disrupt the cancerous mutations cells.

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