Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

Nanking cherries

Nanking cherries are known scientifically as Prunus Tomentosa and are a delicious cherry option which grows late spring through to the summer.

Nanking cherries grow on medium-sized shrubs that reaches not more than two and a half meters tall. The tiny red fruit grows in a cluster on a short stem and look pale pink or bright cherry red when ripe. However, it is worth noting that a white variety exists. Nanking cherries are about the same size of a blueberry, and have a smooth skin with a juicy pulp and seed within.

Nanking cherries are native to many areas of Southeastern Asia, China, Tibet and the Himalayas. They were cultivated for hundreds of years in Asia before being introduces to England in 1870 and then to the United States in 1882. At one time, there may have been a large number of named varieties, but many have been lost over the last 100 years.

Health Benefits
Antioxidant and Inhibitory activity
Nanking cherry seeds contain flavonoids that are known to exhibit antioxidant activity.

Promotes hair growth
Research has discovered that the cherry has protective action on skin tissues and its subsidiary organs. It has also shown a strong role in promoting hair growth.
Fights Cancer

Research shows that phenylpropanoid sucrose esters, isolated from leaves of Nanking cherry have shown cytotoxic activity against four human cancer cell lines tested.
The cytotoxic activity of these isolates was stronger when compared with the positive control 5-fluorouracil used. The results also indicate these isolates might be a promising source for anti-cancer drug candidates.

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