Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology


Did you wonder and think about where the oil we use in our daily life comes from? Several articles have stated emphatically that the seed which produces or generates oil is known as Oilseed. The seed is used to generate edible oil, help in the reduction of climate change, greenhouse gases, and the establishment of renewable energy.

The oilseed is a very vital crop that must be produced in larger quantities because it contributes to the nutritional buildup for the development of the human body because it contains fatty acids. The seeds generated are utilized for the extraction of the oil. As said earlier, the seeds are vital because of the presence of the quality proteins which vegetable oil is extracted from.

The oilseed can be extracted in two types which are often used in the preparation of food and industrially used because of the high compound found in it. Oilseed crops are mostly referred to as rape crops which the name was derived from a Latin word known as rapum.

Binding agents such as contain fiber and phytic acid are identified in oilseeds. To satisfy the world demand, oilseed has increased to about 82% of the seed cultivation. Reflections were made on the fact that there was low demand for oil in the 2019 period.

However, notably are different types of oilseed such as the sunflower, groundnut, and rapeseed which lowers reduction between the years 2019-2020. Production in oilseeds is, however, projected to skyrocket by 1.2% per annum over the next decades. Vegetable oil as stated earlier is extracted oilseed and has a high trade share of about 40% of the production of all agricultural products.

The oilseed or notably known as rape seed comes in a yellowish color which is part of the Brassicaceae family and contains an amount of erucic acid. It is known to be the second leading source of protein after soybeans. Other products derived from oilseeds include soaps, lubricants, paints, perfumes, hydrogenated oil and oil cake which is the residue given to animals as feed.

One type of oilseed is the groundnut which is very important in India and rich in both vitamins and proteins. It is used for the production of silk, soap, margarine, medical emulsions and others.

It contains about 40-50% oil mainly used for edible products. The weather forecast is very crucial especially when agriculturalists want a bumper harvest with a quality product. It is advised that people grow these crops in the late month of August and September. The oilseed goes through the process of cleaning, dehulling, size reduction, flaking, cooking and tempering.

When preparing the oil, the oilseed should be properly dried while removing sand particles from it. After cleaning is done on the seed, it must be stored safely in a cool, and ventilated room. The seed is taken through a dehulling stage where this process is done to remove any form of chaff and reduce pigments in the oil after which it is winnowed to adequately remove the husk covering the kernel. Conditioning and heating of the seed is done to break the oil or separate the oil. It can be done by heating it with a small amount of water before the oil is extracted. Then it goes through the filtration stage to ensure all bacteria and dirt are destroyed.

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