Agricultural Science | Industrialization | Technology

Papaya Juice

Making pawpaw juice (papaya) is no rocket science. This is one of those recipes that requires no formula because it’s very easy to make. You can decrease or increase the quantity of water in the recipe. It depends on how thick you want your juice. However, when it’s too thick, then it’s no longer a juice but a smoothie.


  • 1 ripe medium-sized peeled pawpaw
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 4 cups of water
  • Ice cubes for serving
  • Sweetener to taste


  • Peel the pawpaw and use a spoon to scrape out the seeds from the core. Cut it into small chunks
  • Put the chunks inside a blender. Add the water, lemon juice and sweetener and blend till smooth.
  • Keep refrigerated and chilled
  • Serve and enjoy with ice cubes

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